Home University


I’m currently studying Software Engineering (B.Sc.) at the THM (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences) and StudiumPlus in the 5th semester. The colloquium is at the beginning of 2022.

For further information including the modules please visit the link1 in the footnote (only available in german).

Throughout the degree program the students learn the skills necessary to analyze, design and implement complex software systems.

Noteworthy is the combination between theoretical knowledge gained through lectures and practical experience gained through projects done in cooperation with the partner company.

Projects and Bachelor’s thesis

2. Practical PhaseGenerating a Relationships-Graph between Objects within
a CRM Application
1,0 (96 %)
3. Practical PhaseConceptual Design and Implementation of a Cloud-Module
for schedule planning with CRM integration
1,0 (99 %)
Project studiesImplementation of a User-Onboarding concept within a CRM
application to increase the Ease-of-Use and Feature Adoption
1,0 (97 %)
Bachelor’s thesisTBAn/a
